Once a month, we invite a list of guest speakers who talk about and share their experiences. This is open to the public and we are currently organising the schedules for these events. Click on the button below to get updates on event dates, speaker list and venues.

Build resilience. Navigate the battles in your life.

With any battle, there is a war room (Potu Toa) also translated as a room of courage, where the leaders gather to learn what’s been tried and proven, share best practices and plan and strategise. The battle we speak of, is the battle of the mind. The time to reflect and review the how we are mentally coping with the challenges we face.

We wish to extend to you, the leaders of your family, an invitation to the ‘Potu Toa’, to support and strengthen a collaboration with those seeking support in an open interactive setting.

One Main focus, is to provide tools to help detect signs if our loved ones are being mentally challenged – and in love, how to approach a situation – without triggering a negative response.

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